How can we use art to contribute to the community? 5 de abril de 2022Professor Sarah Scott collaborated with a local artist to create a vibrant mural in Port Richmond. Working with local artist Lina Montoya, art history professor Sarah Scott is helping to...
El Niágara en Bicicleta 5 de abril de 2022Ele Eme Project & Richmoond Hood Co. presents “El Niágara en Bicicleta”as part of La Isla Bonita Street Art Series. (Niagara Falls on a Bicycle, The Beautiful Island). Located at 827 Castleton Avenue in Staten...
Mariposas Amarillas, La Isla Bonita Series 5 de abril de 2022It started as a long, routinely unattractive chain-link fence at a corner not far from the waterfront on a large chunk of city property. The 1,400 square feet of nothingness at Richmond...
Mariposas Amarillas Video 5 de abril de 2022The NYC Department of Transportation Art Program partnered with El Centro del Inmigrante to present Staten Island-based artist Lina Montoya’s Las Mariposas Amarillas (The Yellow Butterflies) on the chain-link fence...
Long Island City Arts Connection 25 de marzo de 2022Long Island City Arts Connection, Long Island City Partnership and P4 Skillman School, Queens, NY. Process "Las Estrellas Brillarán"